Time to Learn JavaScript

Javascript has been one of those languages for me that I’ve just kind of avoided? I’ve never really had the need to go and really use it (I mean it powers this site’s theme switcher up on the top right) but I’ve never really gone and dived into it in any depth.

The closet thing to JavaScript I’ve ever touched would be Clojure, even then that is JVM/JAVA and not the usual ECMA-262 JavaScript I am referring to in this post.

So far I’ve been going through a couple of different places to brush on the basics as well as get a little more of a feel for the lanauge. It seems alright so so far.

I’m a Python guy, so some things are similar enough that its not an issue, but the let and const keywords are going to get annoying I feel.

I’ll update how things progress over the next few weekends.