Divi Button Event Tagger: Release

First Dive To JavaScript

In my little foray into working with and learning JavaScript I’ve found that that it is a little more useful than I had initially anticipated.

So with that said, I present the newly minted version 1.0.0 release of Divi Button Event Tagger.

This is something that is a super crazy simple WordPress plugin. I say simple but it took me a couple of hours to actually flesh it out and another 20mins for a colleague to check it out and confirm that it works.

The Reasoning for Creation

As with most code things it comes out of necessity. I had a problem come accross my desk that basically required button tracking to be enabled on 45 Divi sites, and as with most other things it was needed yeterday.

It was done within a couple of hours, refined, tested, and deployed to production the same day.

I’m looking to adapt the plugin to be deployable to Hugo sites and other static sites as well as a simple module.