Pybot - Discord bot

About project

Simple Discord bot that was originally built for a small server of friends that hosted thier own games on homelabs. The bot has multiple different API access features as well, such as weather via OpenWeatherMap, and Crypto Currency prices via different sources.

The bot is able to test if a game server is up, or if a web server is up (via either a ping or NMAP call).

Feature/Command set

.helpShows help message
.btcGet bitcoin prices
.coinlistGet top 10 cryptocoin prices
.clockdisplays world clock times
.searchSearch DuckDuckGo for results
.serverlistLists current game servers & Status
.pingPings a server, checks up or down
.play URLPlays clip from youtube/twitch/other media .help for more commands
.pundisplays random groan inducing pun
.r4chanrandomly selects image & thread from 4chan (NSFW/NSFL)
.weather [args]Current weather
yayResponse with a random cheer!

Where to get it?

It can be found on github here


$ git clone
$ cd PyBot
$ chmod +x
$ ./
